
Connecting the dots between knowledge management, legal design and contract automation


Connecting the dots between knowledge management, legal design and contract automation. How to go from “best practices” to “next practices”? How to upgrade your contract from “a lawyer tool” to “a business tool”? How to start with contract automation?

Interview met de Juristenkrant


'Elke juridische communicatie zou de gebruiker centraal moeten zetten'.

Je sales departement krijgt altijd dezelfde vragen van klanten over specifieke contractclausules. Dat vertraagt het sluiten van contracten, je moet er als bedrijfsjurist telkens tijd insteken. Wat doe je dan? Je vraagt aan Dominique Meert van The Visual Lawyer om het contract te vertalen in visueel ondersteunde mensentaal. 'Mensen zijn veel meer visueel ingesteld dan ze zelf denken.'

The Visual Lawyer vertaalt complexe, juridische materie in visueel ondersteunde mensentaal


Antwerpen, 10 september 2019 - Vandaag wordt The Visual Lawyer gelanceerd, een in Antwerpen gevestigde start-up die zijn cliënten helpt om complexe, juridische informatie op een duidelijke en effectieve manier te communiceren. Met een uitgebreide juridische expertise en innovatieve concepten zoals legal information design en graphic facilitation zal The Visual Lawyer advocatenkantoren, juridische afdelingen en andere juridische dienstverleners bijstaan met het opbouwen van betere cliëntenrelaties. “Met The Visual Lawyer willen we van juridische documenten tools maken die de business versnellen in plaats van vertragen”, zegt oprichtster Dominique Meert, die eerder ook al 2KnowHow2 oprichtte om innovatie in de juridische sector te stimuleren.

Case study "From legal counsel to legal business partner"


The client participated in our programme “From legal counsel to legal business partner” in order to maximise the added value of the legal department to its internal business partners, and to improve efficiency within the department itself. We co-created a dedicated legal intranet page aka 'legal knowledge portal' that serves as a new delivery tool for routine legal matters and for knowledge sharing. In addition, we designed a legal training programme tailored to the specific needs of the respective internal business partners.

Connecting the dots


Connecting the dots between knowledge management, content marketing and business development to optimise the use of your knowledge. Why you should break down traditional silos. It’s about repackaging your knowledge (1) to make it more attractive (content marketing) and (2) to sell in a digital world (business development). Get inspired!

Knowledge management als trigger voor innovatie


Deze tekening is een visuele samenvatting van onze open opleiding "Knowledge management als trigger voor innovatie". Na deze opleiding heb je meer inzicht in hoe je kan innoveren en hoe knowledge management dit proces kan versnellen.

Defining knowledge management processes: simplify the way we do things


In our workshop "Kickstart knowledge management" we explore four building blocks of knowledge management: content, processes, technology and people. Processes is all about capturing, managing and sharing knowledge efficiently. The essence of a session on processes is captured in this visual.

What we can learn from designers to boost our competitiveness


According to Dominique, most law firms lack a long-term innovative approach. The development of a global digital and innovation strategy, however, becomes increasingly important in a rapidly evolving world. Because of its broad scope, Design Thinking may act as the perfect stepping-stone. "This multidisciplinary way of thinking and acting puts the client or user in the center of the innovation process and combines creativity with structure. You can use Design Thinking to innovate and optimize both products & services ánd business models, that’s the beauty of it."